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Make This Your Summer of Self-Care

You’ve made it! The end of the school year is in sight. Warm weather is on the horizon – or already here in plenty of cities, and summer break is calling your name.

After working so hard this year to support your students and colleagues, the simple fact that you have made it is worth recognizing. To celebrate, I encourage you to focus on self-care so that you can rest, recharge and rejuvenate over the summer months.

At Emergenetics®, one thing we know to be true is that when you lean into your preferences and honor your strengths, you are more likely to feel energized, and who couldn’t use a little more energy right now?

Those same principles apply to your own wellness. When you look after your wellbeing in a way that connects to your Thinking and Behavioral preferences, you can help yourself to recharge more effectively and meaningfully. To boost your self-care practices, I invite you to consider these tips using the Emergenetics Attributes as a source of inspiration.


For those with an Analytical preference, I encourage you to support your mental wellness by reflecting on and recognizing what you can and cannot control to help let go of some of the stress from the year. You may also find it energizing to research and apply expert advice to adjust your diet or exercise routine to improve your physical health.

Pen On PaperStructural

Individuals who prefer Structural thinking may feel more invigorated when they have a plan to enact their self-care practices, so I invite you to create a routine to support yourself. You may also enjoy bringing some order to chaos by cleaning up one space like your closet, your car or your kitchen. I speak from experience when I say that a re-organized space can be very refreshing!

People talking bubbles iconSocial

Social thinkers often feel revitalized after connecting with others. Consider looking for volunteering events in your community that speak to your interests. I also encourage you to reconnect with friends and family to check in, share how you are doing and hear about developments in their lives.

Light bulb with brain inside iconConceptual

Those with a Conceptual preference may find meditation to be a great way to refresh their energy. You might also enjoy tending to plants or getting out in nature where you can just allow yourself (and your mind) to wander.

Two talking bubbles iconExpressiveness

If you are in the first-third of Expressiveness, I encourage you to take time to journal about your thoughts and feelings as you process the past year and move forward. If you prefer a third-third approach, find a friend to serve as a sounding board to share ideas and sentiments.

Car iconAssertiveness

Be mindful to move at a speed that will invigorate and not exhaust you. If you are in the first-third of Assertiveness, you are likely to appreciate a gentle pace and may prefer to give yourself ample time to engage in self-care activities. If you are in the third-third, you may prefer an active schedule with fast-paced activities that have an edge of competition.

Arrow on sign pointing in different directions iconFlexibility

As you implement your self-care practices, those in the first-third of Flexibility often find it energizing to stay focused on one or two methodologies to support your wellness. If you are in the third-third, try out several different experiences to see what engages you most.

Remember: your social and emotional wellbeing are so important. As educators, you are often more focused on the wellness of others, so I hope my blog serves as a reminder that you deserve to take time to care for yourself. I encourage you to put these tips into practice, reflect on all of the bright spots [1] in your year and most of, be kind to yourself. You have given so much, and you deserve to refill your cup.

Want to discover more applications of the Attributes to support your work? Click here to sign up for our blog posts for educators [2] or fill out the form below to speak with a team member today!