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Survey Insights Introduction: The Big Trends in the World of HR

At Emergenetics International [1], we are constantly seeking data about the way people work and the way organizations run—so we went right to the source, asking top practitioners in our field about the major issues and factors that shape the workplace.

From a past ATD conference [2], we developed a survey on the organizational factors and issues that matter to the movers and shakers in the fields of training, learning, human resources, and leadership. It was a perfect venue to gain these kinds of insights—the attendee profile at ATD includes professionals from every organizational level, including executives, managers, supervisors/team leaders, and practitioners. Even outside of the organizational structure, many in attendance were organizational consultants with vast experience working with organizations and people on development.

Out of this extraordinary pool of leaders, we surveyed more than 150 to create a profile of challenges, priorities, and trends for training and development. After thoughtful examination of the data, we have gleaned several nuggets of important information that have the potential to shape our work and yours as well.

Posts detailing survey results are up now:

Our goal is to create a framework to understand these issues so that as a community of learning, we can begin to address them. More importantly, we need to translate what we learned into usable and measurable results.